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Les Grands Arbres (レ・グラン・ザルブルレストラン/カフェ広尾)

Hidden behind an old tree in one of Hiroo’s back streets you’ll find beautiful “Les Grands Arbres” Café/Restaurant, full of green trees and flowers.

Les Grands Arbres

This new Café that opened in March has three floors. The ground floor is dedicated to the new and stunning Fleur Universelle flower shop.

Les Grands Arbres Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

The other two floors are dedicated to “Les Grands Arbres” (The Big Trees), a cozy wood-decked café space serving healthy organic food from focaccia sandwiches to deli salads and some really yummy home-made muffins.

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

And to make this place even better, there’s a rooftop terrace, ideal for summer days and a tree house!

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

Les Grands Arbres

I’d like to thank Les Grands Arbres’s staff that kindly let me shoot inside their beautiful Café/Restaurant.  ありがとうございます!!

And a bigger thank to Sophie who took me to this beautiful café and introduced me to Takashi Kobayashi, a wonderful Japanese artist…

More about beautiful tree houses soon!!!

Have a look at Sophie’s wonderful artworks and if you’re in town why not take part of her incredible workshops! For further information follow her HERE

5-15-11 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Closest Station: Hiroo (Hibiya line Exit 1) Tel 03 5791 1212, Closed on Mondays

All photos on this blog were snapped by me unless otherwise noted. If you see something you’d like to share, please be sure to provide a link back to this space. Thank you!


    • A friend told me about this Cafe in particular. Since I’ve been living in Tokyo for many years, I’m used to wandering around with my camera. I visit Tokyo’s neighbourhoods to see what’s going on, or my friends tell me about a new place, and I also do some research in local magazines, newsletters, etc. Thanks for stopping by Kr!sten 🙂

    • You’re very welcome Sylvia. And you’re right, this cafe is beautiful! Thanks for stopping by.

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