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Marugo Deli Ebisu 「マルゴデリ カフェ&ジューススタンドバー/ 恵比寿」

Marugo Deli Ebisu is an adorable and organic cafe/juice bar located in Ebisu.

marugo deli ebisu

This spot offers a very laid-back atmosphere. Marugo comes down to making quality juice and healthy eating accessible to everyone.  They also stock a selection of healthy packaged goods, like superfood, protein bars and treats, Hemp proteins, vegan snacks, organic oils, and the list goes on.

marugo deli ebisu

marugo deli ebisu

marugo deli ebisu

With the weather warming up quickly, Marugo is a lovely choice to sit outdoors and start sipping.

I’d like to thank to Marugo Deli Ebisu’s staff that kindly let me shoot their cool cafe, ありがとうございます!!




Marugo Deli Ebisu: 1-17-1 Ebisunishi, Shibuya, Official Website HERE, follow HERE

All photos on this blog were snapped by me unless otherwise noted. If you see something you’d like to share, please be sure to provide a link back to this space. Thank you!

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